Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So we had the tee off party last night at the golf club and about 30 or so people showed up. I cant even begin to explain to you what such a small idea of mine has done and how big of a deal it has become. To see the how many people are willing to spend and donate their time is unbelievable! Andrew, one of the students in 3-D came out and spoke about why he went into the program and where he is now. Let me tell you something... ive have never ever felt something so powerful and moving then to see him get up in front of everyone and spill his guts.. a man that is 18 years of age was about to face jail time for a very long time.. he lost his family at the age of 16 when he decided to move out. He not only brought me to tears but everyone in there including him. "I now have my dad back who is my best friend and my little sister can come up to me and hug me and not be scared." He has 2 months left in the program and can honestly say his life is changed. I talked with him after and talked about what life is like at the house with the 10 other kids and what their day to day duties are. He said its crazy we go to the gym at least 3 days a week.. they teach mind, body, and sole. He said I can run now.. I can actually run. On Thursday im getting the chance to go out to the farm and meet the rest of the kids. Not only that Tim and myself were talking last night about possibly getting some bikes for the farm so the kids can do some mountain biking. We're going to walk the 55 acre property and see what kind of trails we can build. I'm so happy to be able to finally give back now... I kept thinking man my trip isnt until April I want to do something now and I finally am. Only words can tell you what I felt and how incredible these kids are but to experience it in person is another thing. I cannot wait to see the rest of them Thursday and ill keep you posted!


  1. I'm so proud of you Ryan! I love hearing about your ride and the program, keep up the good work :) It's an amazing thing to help others in small yet powerful ways! <3 - Christine

  2. Addendum - Your ride is no small feat :) Sorry about that!

  3. Haha yeah yeah thank you very much Christine! Eric and I are going tomorrow to meet the kids I cant wait!
